Hotshot’s Secret Performance pack Duo EDT + FR3


Paket bundling HSS Performance Pack Duo

  • 1 botol x 8 OZ bottle of Hot Shot’s FR3 Friction Reducer
  • 1 botol x 16 OZ Squeeze bottles of Hot Shot’s Secret Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT)


the perfect balance of preventative maintenance and performance increase

Tambahkan FR3 ke engine oil
5 quart / 4.7-5 liter oli : 8oz / 236 ml FR3
•Kurangi volume oli sebanyak volume FR3 yang di campurkan agar mesin tidak over capacity
•FR3 di sarankan di campur pada saat penggantian oli baru namun tetap bisa di campurkan pada oli lama.
•Di sarankan untuk tidak di campur dengan additif oli lain nya termasuk HSS SE Stiction Eliminator

dan EDT ke BBM solar
Premium Dose:
1 oz./ 30 ml treats 25 gallons / 94.6 liters of diesel fuel.
Performance Dose:
2 oz./ 60 ml treats 25 gallons / 94.6 liters of diesel fuel.

Increase fuel economy up to 5%
Reduction in oil operating temperature
Reduces engine wear up to 43%
Improves oil’s oxidative stability
Recommended for ALL gas & diesel engines.

Boosts cetane up to 7 points
Maintains clean injectors
Prevents rust & corrosion
Increases fuel economy, improves power & performance

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